Alpha GPC 25g Pure Powder


Alpha GPC 25g Pure Powder

Alpha GPC is a natural cholinecompound found in the brain. It is also an acetylcholineprecursor which may have potential for the treatment of Alzheimer’s diseaseand other memory disorders. Recent human trialshave confirmed the therapeutic role of alpha-GPC on the cognitive recovery on patients. Alpha-GPC rapidly delivers cholineto the brain across the blood–brain barriermuch more effectively then other forms of

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Alpha GPC is a natural cholinecompound found in the brain. It is also an acetylcholineprecursor which may have potential for the treatment of Alzheimer’s diseaseand other memory disorders. Recent human trialshave confirmed the therapeutic role of alpha-GPC on the cognitive recovery on patients. Alpha-GPC rapidly delivers cholineto the brain across the blood–brain barriermuch more effectively then other forms of

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